
  • Troy Dagan

    With vast experience in brand design, Troy has worked on projects for large & boutique companies. He loves to cook and his second favourite cake is Edelweiss Gâteau.

  • Grant Withnell

    Grant has worked nationally as a presenter, children’s theatre performer and event manager. He loves to travel and his second favourite cake is Chocolate Pistachio Cake.

Come on let’s go to
The Wonderful Rainbow 

The Wonderful Rainbow first began when Troy had the idea for a rhyme about the colours of the rainbow. It inspired him to write and illustrate his first children’s book. He outlined a story (with a seven adjective title) about a colourful adventure to bake a very special rainbow cake.

There are seven little friends
you’ll want to know

To tell his tale seven little friends were brought to life, each with their own colours, shapes, patterns and personality. He then designed seven little homes, filling each with memories from his childhood. Together they create The Wonderful Rainbow.

An exciting place
full of colour and fun 


As the story and characters developed, Troy and Grant collaborated to create the world of The Wonderful Rainbow. An amazing, colourful place full of endless possibilities and stories to share. So why don’t you join us and meet everyone.